Interior Designer

Influencing through creative imagination
This project focuses on the relation of positive and negative spaces while responding to the research question “What is the potential future of a historical courtyard building in Sheffield?”
This question is supported by individually selected design theory research topics, in this case, it focusses on edutainment and public environments that influence creative thinking and imagination through design.

A gastronomical experience
This project is designed to create a restaurent experience that celebrates the qualities of spices. This brief is based around the research question ‘What is the potential for a gastronomical experience in Chapel Walk’. The project aims to heighten verbal and visual vocabulary The main aim of this project is to design a space that creates an intriguing experience for the diners. A space that provides service but overall informs and educates the user. Restaurants are now more than just a space that provides foods as a daily requirement but an experience.

This project focuses on bringing forth the vision of a futuristic bathroom that transforms dreams into reality. It encourages conceptualization, sustainability with new and innovative directions of the future of bathrooms. The design could include new products, spaces, users or functions overall aiming to improve the experience of bathrooms.

Breaking Barriers
Adidas has found that over 25% of girls stop playing sports between the age of 14-17. Being a committed brand that wants to break barriers and change lives, adidas has encouraged creatives all over the world to help them create a revolution that would build a legacy, persuading girls to continue sports.

Time to Relax
Being healthy is not just about what you eat, how much you exercise. There are various factors that could affect our health, the small details of where we eat, sleep, work and rest could play a major role too!
Park Hill needs a place that could promote healthy activities and experiences into everyday lives to result in positive health and well-being. Hence my proposal focuses on mental health including issues related to social isolation, mental illnesses, unhealthy eating, stress and anxiety.

"The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them."